Prescription Medication Misuse

When used as prescribed by a doctor, prescription medicines can be helpful in treating many illnesses. But when misused, they can have serious consequences. See the links below for prescription medication misuse facts and prevention strategies.

Medicine Abuse Project – Safeguard your family and community from the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Lock the Cabinet – A movement to encourage adults to take all precautions to avoid prescription drug abuse by children

PA Stop – A website from The Commonwealth Prevention Alliance designed to educate Pennsylvanians about the risks of prescription painkiller and heroin use, the relationship between painkiller and heroin use, and what to do when you need help.

NIDA for Teens: Prescription Pain Medications – Information for teens on prescription opioids.

NIDA:Over-the-Counter Medications – Fact sheet on the misuse of over-the-counter medicines.

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