About COCA

Connecting You to Addiction Resources

The Council on Chemical Abuse, known as COCA, provides Berks County, PA with leadership and assistance in preventing substance use, and promoting treatment and recovery from addiction.

Established as a non-profit in 1971, COCA is designated by the County Commissioners as the Single County Authority (SCA) for Berks County, PA. COCA serves as the coordinating agency for publicly supported drug and alcohol programming, and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors reflective of the local community.

We always have and always will serve the people of Berks County, PA.

Our work includes:

Our Focus


In response to the unique needs of our community, we have tailored programs to address drug and alcohol concerns.

View Programs
Training & Events

Looking to gain more knowledge about addiction? Our trainings and community events are a great place to start.

See Our Calendar

We provide free educational services for those of all ages. Topics include prevention, drug trends, the opioid crisis, and more.

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Although addiction is a preventable and treatable disease, many families still suffer its affects. There is hope and there is help.

Contact Us Today

Our services are made possible through the Berks County Board of Commissioners, tax dollars received from federal and state governments through the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, grants, and private monies received from client fees and private/corporate contributions. The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs specifically disclaims responsibilities for any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions herein.

Services and resources provided by COCA are for Berks County, PA organizations and individuals only.

Want to learn more about COCA?

View our past annual reports to see our programs and numbers.

View Reports

We at the Council on Chemical Abuse (COCA) stand against racism, injustice, and inequality. We are deeply impacted by the unnecessary deaths of George Floyd and other individuals as a result of racism. These events have solidified our commitment to continue our work in the community.  COCA remains dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusion, compassion, kindness, and respect.

While addiction does not discriminate, the Black community has been disproportionately impacted by substance abuse through historic and current systemic racism. COCA’s role as an organization is to provide equitable resources, services, and programs to promote prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support for all individuals and families in Berks County.

The board and staff at COCA will continue to listen closely to our community to better understand their needs, advocate for adequate resources and provide appropriate services for those we serve.