New Multimedia Campaign Reminds People to Check Narcan Expiration Dates

Click here to order a free Narcan replacement or first-time kit.

Beginning in mid-August 2023, COCA launched a multimedia campaign reminding Berks County residents to check the expiration dates on their Narcan® medication. Narcan is a brand name for naloxone nasal spray, which can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug. It works by blocking the effects of opioids on the brain and can restore breathing within minutes. The shelf life for Narcan® is 36 months (this was extended last year; prior to that it was only 24 months).

The Council on Chemical Abuse provides Narcan® free upon request to Berks County residents and businesses. In the past, our staff has contacted individuals who received Narcan® from us and alerted them when the medication was nearing its expiration date. However, over the past several years COCA has been distributing 1,000s of Narcan kits annually, making it difficult to contact people individually. Therefore, we have developed a multimedia campaign that both encourages people to check expiration dates, and reminds Berks residents that free Narcan® is available upon request.

You can look for our ads in print, on bus shelters around Reading, on social media and in radio ads. If you’re reading this, head over to your medicine cabinet and check your Narcan® expiration date! If it’s expired or if you don’t have Narcan®, visit our Opioid Overdose Reversal Kit webpage and order a free replacement or first-time kit now!

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