Information about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco for Teens

Below are some expert resources we recommend for information on drugs, alcohol and tobacco:

Drugs + Your Body – A website showing you what using drugs does to the brain, skin, mouth, and more.

The Dangers of Drug Driving – An interactive site showing the effects on the brain while using certain drugs and how that effects driving skills

NIDA for Teens – Teen site sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that examines the science behind drug abuse.

The Truth – Find out what’s really in a cigarette!

Meth Project – A large-scale prevention program aimed at reducing Meth use through public service messaging, public policy, and community outreach.

Organizations Empowering Teens

Being a teenager and electing not to drink or use drugs can feel isolating. The good news is that thousands of teens are making the same healthy choices every day. Check out the sites below that support teens living a healthy drug, tobacco and alcohol-free life:

Partnership to End Addiction – Site created for the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a program of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

Natural High – A substance abuse prevention organization that inspires young people to say yes to their passions, and no to drugs and alcohol.


Updated 11/22/23

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