Certified Recovery Specialist at Work

Certified Recovery Specialist at Work

Mike Reese retired from the City of Reading in 2011. It was not long after his retirement that he began contracting with the Council on Chemical providing information, education and raising awareness about problem gambling. Mike says problem gambling is much like other behavioral addictions in that is affects that part of the brain he likes to call “the fun center”. Mike shares his expertise with many community residents, including older adults, youth, professionals, and individuals attending community health fairs. A strong advocate for helping people get well, Mike also works for TASC, providing services for the project, Warm Hand-off. Collaboration between the local hospitals, Council on Chemical Abuse and TASC, the Warm Hand-Off project provides immediate support and help for individuals who come to the emergency room as the result of an overdose. Sharing experience, strength, and hope Mike provides support and information to the patient and encourage them to embraces the treatment process to get well. “I talk to the disease… people I deal with are under the influence. It is their disease talking, not them.”

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