Are you an individual in recovery from addiction? Or do you love someone who is? We invite you to share what recovery means to you in a short 30-second video or photo.
Submit your photo or video, along with some basic information in the form below, and then keep an eye out for its release in the coming weeks. Photos and videos will be posted on the Berks Rise Center Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the month of September.
What does “Recovery Out Loud” mean?
Sharing about your recovery shatters other’s perceptions about addiction. This does not mean breaking anonymity, but rather sharing how recovery has changed your life for the better.
Are you ready to share? Fill out the form below.
Recovery Out Loud Berks - Photo & Video Submissions
This form is for submissions to be a part of the #RecoveryOutLoudBerks campaign in September 2020 in recognition of National Recovery Month.