Our offices will be closed for the holidays on Dec. 24 & 25, and on Dec. 31 & Jan. 1. If you need immediate help for addiction, please visit our Get Help Now page for links to hotlines and treatment providers.
Red Ribbon Week is nationally recognized and celebrated as a symbol of support for efforts to reduce drug use through youth prevention and education programs.
In 2020, we couldn’t go into the schools so we developed virtual programming, then held the Courage Mystery Tour, with our mascot Courage visiting schools off hours and leaving a surprise for the students. Watch the videos below.
Follow COCA’s Mascot Courage on a Virtual Mystery Tour! Watch this video to learn about Courage’s virtual mystery tour.
Participate in a pre-recorded Zoom prevention lesson. Click here for video lessons.
Create a poster on the theme “We All Need Courage.”. Click to see all submitted posters.
Sign our pledge wall. Students can post their reasons for remaining drug-free. View our pledge wall!
Download activity handout. Intended for grades K-6, the handouts will contain activities and games on the theme “We All Need Courage.” Click here for handout