On-Demand Prevention Lessons

Looking for virtual education options? Check out our on-demand lessons for students, parents, and community members.

Prevention in Pajamas Parent Videos

10-minute videos for parents of elementary-aged children

To guide parents in teaching their children valuable prevention lessons we have created a series of 10-minute videos called Prevention in Pajamas.


Lessons with Miss Paige on Coping Skills

Lesson #1 – Frustrations

Lesson #2 – Friendships

World No Tobacco Day Lesson (Grades 2-5)

Helping Hand Icon

Lessons for 5th Grade: Too Good for Drugs

Ten lessons about emotions, decision making, goal-setting, friendships, communication and more! Worksheet for each video included. Please contact Jackie Steed for link to these lessons. Email Jackie

MIDDLE SCHOOL (5-8th grade)

Escape the Vape Lesson (40 minutes)

Above the Influence (41 minutes)

Above the Influence provides interactive education on alcohol and binge drinking. Discussion includes the short and long term effects of alcohol on the brain and body and ways students can rise above the influence to make healthy life decisions.

UPPER MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL (8th - 12th grade)

Activities/Quizzes with Kahoot

The Blunt Truth (19 minutes)

The Blunt Truth debunks common myths regarding marijuana use. This programs also provides education on the short and long term effects of using marijuana.

The Forensic Files (25 minutes)

Forensic Files provides a brief overview of Prescription, Over the Counter, and Street Drugs. Students become forensic scientists as they read criminal case files to determine the drug used in each case.

Running Ahead of the Risk (42 minutes) *Includes mindfulness exercises*

Running Ahead of the Risk helps students identify healthy and unhealthy risk, their own risk taking style, and alternatives to engaging in high risks behaviors. In addition, students learn how to cope with friends who choose to use drugs/alcohol and where they can find help.

2020 Red Ribbon Week Video Lessons

Lessons focus on having courage and understanding feelings.

In recognition of Red Ribbon Week, our prevention specialists created three short videos on prevention topics tailored for elementary, high school and middle school levels.

Click here to view lessons and download handouts


Facebook Tobacco Cessation support group

Vaping Toolkit for Educators

Teens interested in Tobacco Prevention

Online Gaming: The Good, the Bad & The Ugly

Alicia Kline

Click here to email Alicia Kline today. You can also call
(610) 750-7550