The U.S. is in the midst of an epidemic. Overdose deaths from prescription opiate painkillers have quadrupled since 1999, and deaths from heroin have tripled in the last five years. PA STOP is a campaign created by the Commonwealth Prevention Alliance (CPA) to provide increased awareness, education, and information on how to seek help. Berks County has joined this effort by posting billboards around the county with the universal message of the campaign, “Anyone can become addicted. Anyone.”
PA Stop is designed to educate Pennsylvanians about the risks of prescription painkiller and heroin use, the relationship between painkiller and heroin use, and what to do when you need help. PA Stop seeks to prevent non-medical use of prescription painkillers and, in so doing, to break the connection between heroin and prescription painkillers. Together, we can stop opiate addiction before it starts.
The Council also has PA STOP brochures available, along with additional information about prescription drug abuse and heroin. For more information about the PA STOP campaign, please visit