COCA Offering Schools Free Community Showings of “Screenagers”

The Council on Chemical Abuse is offering all Berks County School Districts the opportunity to host a FREE community screening of the award-winning documentary film Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age.  

The screenings, which are for parents and other adults, are available at no cost to districts and can be scheduled at any time during the 2019-20 school year.

The 67-minute film depicts messy struggles that often occur between parents and teens over social media, video games, and academics. It offers solutions on how adults can help kids navigate the digital world and find balance.


Click here to learn more about the film or watch a trailer.

“Parents, teachers, and administrators impact the behavior of children and students so much more than they often believe. This film approaches those issues and demonstrates how communities can affect true change in our “screen” world,” said COCA Prevention Program Manager Jaclyn Steed.

COCA will cover the full cost of showing the film and provide a Q & A after the screening. Districts will be responsible for providing the venue and marketing the event to parents and community members.

Interested districts should contact Jaclyn Steed at (610) 376-8669, Ext. 107 or at

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