2012 Annual Conference

Cyber-Technology: Are we too connected?

COCA Declares Two-Part Educational Event A Huge Success

Nov. 2, 2012 (Reading, PA) – In its role as the coordinating agency for addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services in Berks County, the Council on Chemical Abuse hosted an extremely relevant conference entitled “Cyber-Technology: Are We Too Connected.”  The conference, held yesterday at the Crowne Plaza in Wyomissing, was presented to almost 250 attendees.

Dr. Larry Rosen, Ph.D., a professor, lecturer and past chair of the psychology department at California State University, addressed attendees as this year’s keynote speaker.  He explored the healthy and unhealthy use of technology.  Following Dr. Rosen’s keynote presentation, attendees participated in two workshops of their choice.  Conference workshops included; The Impact of iDisorders, Gaming Addiction: Confessions of a Cyber Junkie, as well as workshops addressing Sex Addiction, Gambling Addiction, a youth panel discussed social media among college students and the avenues available for the treatment of these forms of addictions.

Following the conference, keynote speaker, Dr. Larry Rosen, gave a lectured entitled, “Understanding Cyber-Addiction.”  This free presentation held at Alvernia University, discussed the signs and symptoms of the iDISORDER and why many experience the compulsive need to constantly check in with technology.  Many students and professors were in attendance.


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