Should I go back and finish college? Should I change careers? Now that I’m sober, maybe I should work in the addictions treatment field. When will this crazy sleeping pattern of mine change? What is the proper amount of exercise? How do I plan a diet that is correct and proper for someone in recovery? I wonder if it would be a good idea for me to quit smoking so early in my sobriety. Now that I’m sober for two months maybe I should start dating. Is it normal to occasionally feel depressed in my recovery? How do I deal with this depression? Sometimes I feel like crying; is this normal in recovery? How long do I have to be involved in treatment services? Question after question; when will it end? Will my mind ever clear? Some days no matter how hard I try I just can’t seem to find any serenity; is there something wrong with me?Hello, my name is Drew and I am an alcoholic. I am an alcoholic who is one of the thousands of men and women throughout the world who has been fortunate enough to have recovered from a seemingly hopeless condition of mind and body. My journey into sobriety began on September 12, 1977. It was precipitated by a chain of events set in motion by a DUI arrest in my then hometown of Lebanon, PA. This adventure has been, and continues to be filled with ups, downs, twists, turns, sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and unbelievable opportunities for growth and change. I have had the privilege to associate with and forge friendships with some of the most unforgettable and interesting people.
My recovery is best described as a voyage that is built upon the simple concept of one alcoholic sharing his/her experience, strength and hope with another in an effort to help each other stay sober and overcome alcoholism. I am not a counselor or therapist. I do not specialize in the treatment of alcoholism or other drug addictions; that is not my forte. I will leave that job to those more qualified than I. However, I am a person who has lived as a recovered alcoholic for over 29 years. My knowledge of recovery springs from my own firsthand experiences, as well as in the experiences of other like individuals. I have witnessed the miracle of recovery and I have been privileged to observe positive change in the lives of hundreds of alcoholics and addicts.
When I was early in recovery I, like all alcoholics and addicts had many more questions than answers. Fortunately for myself I had access to the collective knowledge of a group of men and women who had overcome and successful navigated through so many obstacles that are commonly faced by people in recovery. Over the next several months I will be attempt to explore some of the topics, obstacles, and questions that can frequently face individuals in their pursuit of sobriety. I will not endeavor to give advice, rather I will be sharing with the reader mine ,as well as other recovered alcoholics and addicts, experience, strength and hope in an effort to bring a collective clarity to common situations confronting many addiction recovery. In the authoring of these articles, it is my intention to do whatever is needed to respect and protect the identity and anonymity of those who have so freely given to me their guidance and experience over the many years of my recovery. My intention is to stimulate conversation and share information that will help support all individuals as they endeavor, one day at a time, to overcome and recover from alcohol and other drug addiction..
– Drew
“Addiction Doesn’t Define Me” – Michael’s StoryRead More »
“Addiction Doesn’t Define Me” – Jamie’s StoryRead More »
“Addiction Doesn’t Define Me” – Deliverance’s StoryRead More »
“Addiction Doesn’t Define Me” – Dan’s StoryRead More »
“Addiction Doesn’t Define Me” – Kathy’s StoryRead More »