The Pennsylvania State Youth survey is issued statewide in the fall of odd-numbered years to any school that opts to participate. COCA urges Berks County schools to participate, because the survey provides crucial information into attitudes and behaviors of Berks County youth on a number of issues that put students at risk (alcohol/tobacco/other drugs, violence, and other problem behaviors. It also assesses students’ perspectives of their school environment and their mental health, and helps gauge the effectiveness of existing prevention and intervention programs.
For complete survey results CLICK HERE.
Successful prevention should be data-driven and utilize evidence-based and evidence-informed programs that respond to local community needs. To prevent substance misuse, we must begin by understanding the complex behavioral health problems. This report on Berks County 2023 PAYS data provides insights into local needs and is an important planning tool. Click photo below for the 2023 Berks Co. PAYS Data Report.
If you have any questions about this report, please contact Marcia Goodman-Hinnershitz,
In Berks County, 34 out of 63 schools (in 13 of 18 districts or charter/private schools) participated in the 2023 PAYS.
Enrollments for 2022-23 show that of the 18,162 students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 enrolled in participating schools,13,422 valid surveys were submitted (a participation rate of 73.9%).Enrollment figures for all 63 schools in this county show that 21,244 students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 were eligible to participate in the 2023 PAYS administration. This means that the 13,422 valid surveys submitted from this county resulted in a modified participation rate of 63.2%. This is higher than the state participation rate of 52.3%
We are grateful to all who participated, as the PAYS Survey helps provide a more accurate picture of Berks County youth behaviors and attitudes.
Participating schools included:
Boyertown Area School District
Brandywine Heights Area School District
Conrad Weiser Area School District
Daniel Boone Area School District
Exeter Township School District
Fleetwood Area School District
Governor Mifflin School District
Kutztown Area School District
Muhlenberg School District
Reading School District
Reading Virtual Academy
Twin Valley School District
Wilson School District
Wyomissing Area School District
Yes. PAYS data is mandatory for the Berks County Needs Assessment, which is required to secure state funding for prevention services. Reading School District, for example, received three years of funding for Project Towards No Drug Abuse as a result of PAYS data. The district also received six years of funding, as well as teacher trainings and curriculum materials for Botvin Life Skills, an evidence-based substance abuse and violence prevention program.
The 2023 PAYS questionnaire asked students about substance use (binge drinking, prescription and over the counter medications, and other drugs), mental health (suicide, depression and bullying), gambling, community and school safety, as well as indicators of risk such as stressful events, sleep and perception of peer disapproval.
78.4%Felt safe at school
74.6%Not bullied
66.4%Had depressive symptoms