Studies show an increased risk of mental health concerns and symptoms such as, hallucination, delusions, and suicide, especially in youth
Difficulty learning
Memory issues
Addiction risk is 1 in 6 when use begins before age 25
Permanent intelligence quotient (IQ) loss
Ambition and Future
Difficulties with reasoning, judgement, and ability to do schoolwork
Regular users are less likely to finish H.S. or attend college
Impaired driving
Relationship problems
Suspension or expulsions for violating school policies or Legal issues if arrested
Body Health:
Reduced coordination
Slowed athletic performance
Lung disease and illness when smoked or vaped
FDA has not approved use of marijuana as medicine
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Posters are available upon request to schools in Berks County, English and Spanish versions are available. To order posters, please contact Alicia at
If you or someone you know is struggling with a marijuana addiction, know that there is help. Check out our resources to get started on your recovery journey.