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VIRTUAL TRAINING: Berks County SAP Development Day

The 2022 SAP Development Day will be held on August 11, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Registrants should plan to join the meeting at 8:30 a.m.

Join us for a full-day of virtual training focusing on the best practices for K-12 SAP teams. This virtual event will provide the most up-to-date information and prepare each participant for the 2022-23 school year. We will also recognize schools, teams, and individuals during the Berks’ SAP Awards Presentation. This event is being offered at no cost, thanks to the Berks County Intermediate Unit, Caron Treatment Centers, and Council on Chemical Abuse. Event will include a half-hour lunch break and awards presentation.

Topics & Presenters

Teaching in a Digital World: Youth, Technology, Social Media, Drugs, & Mental Health – Presented by Ryan Klingensmith, founder of Shape the Sky. LEARN MORE.

Pennsylvania Youth Survey/D&A Update – Presented by Jaclyn Steed, Prevention Program Manager at COCA

Vaping and Marijuana Trends and Concerns Frank T. Leone, MD, MS, Director, Comprehensive Smoking Treatment Programs, Penn Medicine

Creating LGBT+ Affirming Spaces for Youth Tasha Santiago, Training and Operations Coordinator of the LGBT Center of Greater Reading.

SAP Basics & Beyond Refresher – Amber Putt, Lead Student Assistance Specialist from Caron Treatment Centers


About the Joe Lauginiger Berks County SAP Awards

Caron Treatment Centers would like to recognize Student Assistance Professionals who are role models for progress in their schools or organizations. These awards highlight SAP programs, teams and people that are innovative and impactful in the area of Student Assistance Programming. Recipients will be awarded a Certificate of Merit & a $50 Amazon gift card to help support their Student Assistance Program. Deadline for nomination submission was Friday, May 13th, 2022.

  • Creativity Award: This award recognizes a school group or program that promotes prevention initiatives and or highlights Student Assistance Program values such as healthy coping skills, positive health choices, and promotion of behavioral health supports in a new and exciting manner.
  • Celebrated SAP Team Award: This award highlights an SAP team that has made great strides in improving their SAP process, educating their faculty and community about SAP, or generally helping more students through their Student Assistance Program.
  • SAP Supporter Award: This honor is awarded to an individual who has made a large impact on SAP programming in their school or in the Berks County Community. This person supports the healthy development of children, access to behavioral health services, and prevention initiatives.

Questions can be answered by Amber Putt, aputt@caron.org.


Thursday August 11 2022

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Event Category: Training